Project of the preschool age children’s education has been stated in 2000.
The main tasks of training groups playing the role of The Early Rehabilitation Center are:
- to make children ready for an educational process and for the Braille perception;
- to expand children’s funds of words and concepts;
- to stimulate the intellect development.

The mental development of preschool age blind children is closely associated with the education. Blind child can’t independently become proficient in all necessary information about the world around. Library for the blind is a companion of the visually-impaired for the space of all his/her life, and what is more, in some regions of Russia special libraries remain the only information centers for invalids. So it seemed logic to organize a preparatory educational Center attached to a special library. Training groups are formed on a base of interviews and tests of children’s individual faculties. The adaptation-educational process includes individual and common lessons. Individual lessons are devoted to the development of sense of touch, orientation and other skills. Common lessons assist in the acquisition of communication habits in common activities. In the Library children have chance to meet with writers, skillful brailists, blind adults scored successes, to make the acquaintance with a process of books publishing. The Library organizes competitions stimulating children to read more Braille books. Special libraries for the blind primarily have voluminous stocks of documents in alternative formats, which are constantly replenished at the expense of house-printings production.
The Russian State Libraries for the Blind has own Braille literature publishing complex, so educational process are provided with literature for learning and confirming reading skills and new knowledge. Having gone through a course of preschool training and having got skills of communication with the same age children and adult teachers, a blind child easily adapts to the educational process in new conditions. One of the Center activities is to consult blind children’s parents in questions of education and rehabilitation. The Library invites competent tyflopsychologists who pays special attention to the emotional problems of parents concerning the disabilities of their children. Parents and specialists have at their disposal the electronic and printed databases of the blinds’ educational and rehabilitation institutions and informational centers.